Wednesday, March 28, 2012

An Unjustified Slaughter (Stand Your Ground Law)


How many times have we been
confronted with the fear that engulfs
us when we hear a knock at our door?
How many times have justice
been misdirected when hatred and
misplaced laws lie at its very core?
With bad laws and suspicious intentions,
an act of an intentional death has
once again raised its head.
Where is the justice that the constitution
speaks of? An inclusive document for
all US Citizens, so I have read.
One would think that more then three
hundred years of hatred and bigotry would
have been enough to turn the hands of time.
One would think that a civil discourse regarding
justice for all would be the main talking points,
instead of working feverishly to cover up a crime.
So many people have suffered and died to
remove the stigma of racial injustice, yet
we find that the path to justice is still closed.
There are those that refuse to render justice
where justice is due. But we as a people have an
obligation to fight to ensure that the cover up is exposed.
My family and I pray that justice is done for this family,
and their son, Trayvon.
Gamaliel H. Gooding

Monday, March 19, 2012


The fleeting moments of life,
such a precious commodity. Then
why do we treat it as an item
on sale in our favorite store.

Trying on our favorite pair of shoes,
our coats of many colors and styles. That
stylish dress or suit. Don't forget
to accessorize with jewelry we adore.

Rushing to our job, party, sometimes church,
rushing sometimes to meet a new friend that
is appealing to our senses. Eager to explore
that which we think is interesting and new.

Sometime it is better to use the lessons
that have been learned thru the mistakes
of the heart. We may discover that in
some issues, the heart has no clue.

The next time we go shopping, never
leave our discount slips at home.
We will never know when there is
a bargain on the shelf.

It is important to remember that
sale slips have a very short shelf life. Never
go shopping for an ever lasting cure for
a heart ache, there maybe no sale slips left.

The moral of this short story is: life
sometimes throws us a curve ball. We can
always hope for another chance at the plate.

Poetic Verses By Gamaliel H. Gooding
Copyrighted 2012

Saturday, March 10, 2012

As the sun sets, life sleeps just for a moment's rest.

When the sun rises
not all life is revived.

For some an eternity
in darkness.....awaits.

For others, the journey

Time is fleeting, value it,
nourish it. You will discover that
the doorway to your destiny

is as close as your shadow.
Always direct your inner
energy toward your dreams,

leaving the results to be reflected
by your achievements.

You will never know the distance
you could have travelled by
standing still.

You will never know the things that
you could have gotten right,
if you had not made mistakes.

Do not allow the sun to set on
your life, without making an
attempt to live it.

We all would love to be perfect. As
for me and my house, we seek only
to be the best we can be.

Poetic Verses By Gamaliel H. Gooding
Copyrighted 2011

Saturday, March 3, 2012

When The Storms Comes

Who were there when the storms came?
Who has the power to prevent its anger?

Yet we refuse to acknowledge the creator
of all things.

Who allows us to withstand the storm?
Who allows us to escape the danger?

Who removes the thistles and thorns?
The awesome hands of God, as he
chastise us for our transgressions.

We have become students of our
own ignorance. We have learn nothing
from God's lessons.

Who makes the earth shake, and the
heavens to release it's rain?

Who makes the thunder roar?
Who shakes the earth at it core?

From the four corners of the earth
the wind whispers his name.


Poetic Verses By Gamaliel H. Gooding
Copyrighted 2011