Saturday, April 28, 2012

Mbaye Ndour "Dream"

Roads with smooth pathways, I
refuse to trod.
I will focus my energy on roads
less traveled.

Roads that I might learn the
true path and be enlighten
by its challenges and teachings.

I discovered early in life,
from one corner of the world
to the other, that

all men desires the same
knowledge that they might
acquire skills.

Love that they might share
and a spiritual enlightenment
that they might have peace

and be one with mother earth.

This is Mbaye Ndour's dream

Poetic Verses By Gamaliel H. Gooding
Copyrighted 2009

Wednesday, April 11, 2012


Who have the keys to unlock your blessings?
Who controls your future plans?
Who picks you up out of your mess,
When you find that alone you stand?
Who is your lawyer in time of trouble?
Who pays the court cost?
Who stands in judgement, who defends?
Who finds you when you are lost?
Who picks you up when you fall?
Who dust you off when you are soiled from Sin?
Who forgives you for all your indiscressions,
Who forgives you again, again and again?
Who wipes the tears from your eyes?
Who heals the scars caused by the pain?
Who can send the thunder from Heaven?
Who in the dry seasons, sends the rain?
Who created the oceans, rivers and seas?
Who taught the Robbin to sing?
Who commanded the earth to be formed?
Who sends the winter, who sends the spring?
Who renders justice when justice is due?
Who can see through the darkness and the light?
Who remembers when others deserts you?
Who in the end can take a wrong and make it right?
Change the "WHO" to "GOD"
Such a simple answer...
Poetic Verses By Gamaliel H. Gooding
Copyrighted 2012