Monday, November 12, 2012


He has been elected by a higher
source to travel this road less travelled,
with a true willingness to confront
the demons of centuries past.

He has picked up the banner of those who
have dedicated their lives that we might have 
this great opportunity to share in the reality of
their dreams without regard for color or class.

He brings to the world a vision of unity,
equality and a united America, that will
serve as a beacon for those
that seek access to these shores.

He dreams of a world that provides safety
without the threat of war, where there are no
longer the disenfranchised, where no one will be denied
the basic needs of life, where there are no closed doors.

Let us celebrate the accomplishments of this
gifted man that I believe was ordained by God.
This man that is fearless in his pursuits of
Peace, Prosperity, Equality and Justice for all.

This man that allows his spirit to soar, holds his 
head high in the darkest hours.  This man that
keeps his hands in God's hands.  This man that clearly
understands his mission, this man that refuses to fall.

Today let us continue to support and celebrate this man, 
The President  Of The United States Of America.

President Barack Hussein Obama
Poetic Verses By Gamaliel H. Gooding

Wednesday, October 3, 2012


As children, we are taught by
those who think they know.
As we grow older, by others
who think they know.

At the end of our lives, we
conclude that we have learned
nothing other then the fact that
life begins and end with ?

The question is did we listen to
those who taught us as children?
Did we listen  to those who  taught us
as we grew older?

Did we during  those times come
to the conclusion,  that we are not
just the product of our history, but
our history is the gateway to our future.

As children we are not responsible
for the quality of information that is
fed to us by those who think they know.
As an adult, it is our responsibility to
seek the truth.

It will do us well to remember that the
enlightenment of one's mind burns
brightest at the point  of self discovery.

Poetic Verses By Gamaliel H. Gooding
Copyrighted 2012

Wednesday, September 12, 2012


Our destiny is not always kind to us,
sometimes it points in the direction
of a path travelled less.

Our inspirational journey with it's
flickering flames shines bright in our darkest
hours, teaching us and preparing us for the test.

Those aged books of value, scholars with their
unsavory attitudes, musty odors of historical
building, reflects their process of learning.

Always remember it is our diligence applied to
study, that leads to the fulfillment of our dreams.
In doing so, our minds become more discerning.

Poetic Verses By Gamaliel H. Gooding
Copyrighted 2009


Using the nights to hide ourselves,
from those who seek our lives.
Using the day to show ourselves,
to those that will join our fight.

Using the wisdom of time and place,
to do battle in the devil's domain.
Using the book of the historical saints,
to this victory we will lay claim.

For in this battle we are not alone,
our faith over powers our fears.
Our weapons have been carefully honed,
all down through the years.

Poetic Verses By Gamaliel H. Gooding
Copyrighted 20009

Tuesday, September 11, 2012


Swiftly we moved across the floor in unison,
bodies swaying to the rhythum  of the music.
We found  ourselves one with nature and each other,
lost in the ectasy of each other's arms.

We met briefly before dancing,
loneliness had over taken us in a crowded place.
We were strangers in the night surrounded by
piercing eyes and fatal calm.

His feet were sure and his hands were strong
as he guided me across the floor.
His smile was pleasing, his eyes were soft and dark.
It was as though he knew my every thought.

No words were spoken, only a nod now and then.
With silence we moved gracefully among the crowd.
His strong hands caress me as we move to the beat
of soul music, I asked myself by whom have been caught.

The music was engaging, as though with intent it
moved us first swiftly and then slowly.  The sounds were
soft and mysterious, as if having a life of it's own.  For
a moment I looked away we were alone.

The crowd was gone, but the music was still playing.
There were no instruments or band members present.
Then out of no where I heard a voice saying wake up
Kathryn, that was my husband calling, I was home.

My husband said I was dreaming.  I was quick to tell him
I had been dancing with a stranger.  Now that  I am awake,
I know that the stranger was you...

Poetic Reflections
By Gamaliel H. Gooding
Copyrighted 2000

Monday, August 13, 2012

Gamaliel and Elvira's Wedding Anniversary (August 14, 1976)

It was forty-eight years ago today,
that we stood before God and man.
We exchanged vowels of love and respect,
and put our lives in the Master's hands.

Over the years, we have seen the storms.
We have seen the burdens of despair.
We have battled with the enemy. Thru
it all, we remember the power of prayer.

We have been  bless in spite of our trials.
We have succeeded because of our love.
It is because  of our unyeilding  faith,
that we remain covered by his blood.

We take this opportunity to reach out
to our family and friends.
To thank those who were there
thru the thick and the thin.

When this day passes into history,
another life's story unfolds.
We are looking forward to the years,
that are more precious than silver or gold.

A poem for my wife on our
forty-eight Wedding Anniversary

Your  Loving Husband
Gamaliel H. Gooding

Friday, August 3, 2012

Poetic Verses: A STAR IS BORN (The miracle flower of the ages)

Poetic Verses: A STAR IS BORN (The miracle flower of the ages): A TRIBUTE TO GABBY DOUGLAS We are reminded once again, that dreams can become a reality.  It was your dream and your destiny to fill thi...

A STAR IS BORN (The miracle flower of the ages)


We are reminded once again, that dreams can
become a reality.  It was your dream and your
destiny to fill this void in history.  God guided
you, your family, your coaches,  your trainers
and your friends.  Ultimately, it was your faith
in youself that made it happen.

This is what happens when a flower is nourished.


Each morning I watched from
my windows hoping to see
this fragile flower spring to life.

With intensity, I watched as the
sun set.  I wished for a light
shower to dampen its pedals
and energize its roots.

The coolness of the morning  comes,
light sprinkles from the morning rain
beats gently on its pedals, and
trickles down its stems.

I watched with a child's curiosity
as the stem's dark green color return
and the drooping petals once again
displays its vigor.

I was reminded once again of the
beauty of nature and its power
of restoration.

It was with this validation
that I continued on this journey,
knowing that all is possible to
those who believe.

Poetic Verses By Gamaliel H. Gooding

Monday, May 14, 2012


To my  Brother-In-Law (Rev. Marvin Taylor)

This time of year, our expectations are high,
especially when we are young.
Family, friends and that special someone,
sharing in our special  day of fun.

We expect all sorts of things from
those who share our lives and space.
We sometime find ourselves reminiscing about
past birthdays in a quiet and isolated place.

It is always good to remember and reflect
on happy times and not the things  we dread.
You see the quilt of happiness and sadness
are woven with the same thread.

So don't be mislead by the melodious tones
of happiness portrayed as joy.
Beware of  the remnants of birthdays gone by,
the little boys dreams and big boys toys.

Always remember that the true meaning
of  your birthday is the gift of birth.
Experience it, share it, protect it and enjoy
it while you are on this earth.

Poetic Reflections By Gamaliel H. Gooding
Copyrighted 2000

Friday, May 4, 2012


Their choice, that would be easy to say.
That is not the case in God's assignments.

True ministry requires God's intervention,
and must be blessed with God's consent.

Man's belief that fortune and fame
is acquired by his own power.

Religious ministry works only in God's name,
not in the hands of cowards.

What man fails to understand is that he
has no power of his own.

Thru the ages he has tempted God's hand,
but God's plan cannot be undone.

The devil knows that hell is his home,
he seeks to corrupt as many souls as he can.

In the end the devil and the corrupt stands alone,
the God of heaven and earth is still in command.

The preacher's journey is a perilous one,
their life is not their own.

Poetic Verses By Gamaliel H. Gooding
Copyrighted 2011

Saturday, April 28, 2012

Mbaye Ndour "Dream"

Roads with smooth pathways, I
refuse to trod.
I will focus my energy on roads
less traveled.

Roads that I might learn the
true path and be enlighten
by its challenges and teachings.

I discovered early in life,
from one corner of the world
to the other, that

all men desires the same
knowledge that they might
acquire skills.

Love that they might share
and a spiritual enlightenment
that they might have peace

and be one with mother earth.

This is Mbaye Ndour's dream

Poetic Verses By Gamaliel H. Gooding
Copyrighted 2009

Wednesday, April 11, 2012


Who have the keys to unlock your blessings?
Who controls your future plans?
Who picks you up out of your mess,
When you find that alone you stand?
Who is your lawyer in time of trouble?
Who pays the court cost?
Who stands in judgement, who defends?
Who finds you when you are lost?
Who picks you up when you fall?
Who dust you off when you are soiled from Sin?
Who forgives you for all your indiscressions,
Who forgives you again, again and again?
Who wipes the tears from your eyes?
Who heals the scars caused by the pain?
Who can send the thunder from Heaven?
Who in the dry seasons, sends the rain?
Who created the oceans, rivers and seas?
Who taught the Robbin to sing?
Who commanded the earth to be formed?
Who sends the winter, who sends the spring?
Who renders justice when justice is due?
Who can see through the darkness and the light?
Who remembers when others deserts you?
Who in the end can take a wrong and make it right?
Change the "WHO" to "GOD"
Such a simple answer...
Poetic Verses By Gamaliel H. Gooding
Copyrighted 2012

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

An Unjustified Slaughter (Stand Your Ground Law)


How many times have we been
confronted with the fear that engulfs
us when we hear a knock at our door?
How many times have justice
been misdirected when hatred and
misplaced laws lie at its very core?
With bad laws and suspicious intentions,
an act of an intentional death has
once again raised its head.
Where is the justice that the constitution
speaks of? An inclusive document for
all US Citizens, so I have read.
One would think that more then three
hundred years of hatred and bigotry would
have been enough to turn the hands of time.
One would think that a civil discourse regarding
justice for all would be the main talking points,
instead of working feverishly to cover up a crime.
So many people have suffered and died to
remove the stigma of racial injustice, yet
we find that the path to justice is still closed.
There are those that refuse to render justice
where justice is due. But we as a people have an
obligation to fight to ensure that the cover up is exposed.
My family and I pray that justice is done for this family,
and their son, Trayvon.
Gamaliel H. Gooding

Monday, March 19, 2012


The fleeting moments of life,
such a precious commodity. Then
why do we treat it as an item
on sale in our favorite store.

Trying on our favorite pair of shoes,
our coats of many colors and styles. That
stylish dress or suit. Don't forget
to accessorize with jewelry we adore.

Rushing to our job, party, sometimes church,
rushing sometimes to meet a new friend that
is appealing to our senses. Eager to explore
that which we think is interesting and new.

Sometime it is better to use the lessons
that have been learned thru the mistakes
of the heart. We may discover that in
some issues, the heart has no clue.

The next time we go shopping, never
leave our discount slips at home.
We will never know when there is
a bargain on the shelf.

It is important to remember that
sale slips have a very short shelf life. Never
go shopping for an ever lasting cure for
a heart ache, there maybe no sale slips left.

The moral of this short story is: life
sometimes throws us a curve ball. We can
always hope for another chance at the plate.

Poetic Verses By Gamaliel H. Gooding
Copyrighted 2012

Saturday, March 10, 2012

As the sun sets, life sleeps just for a moment's rest.

When the sun rises
not all life is revived.

For some an eternity
in darkness.....awaits.

For others, the journey

Time is fleeting, value it,
nourish it. You will discover that
the doorway to your destiny

is as close as your shadow.
Always direct your inner
energy toward your dreams,

leaving the results to be reflected
by your achievements.

You will never know the distance
you could have travelled by
standing still.

You will never know the things that
you could have gotten right,
if you had not made mistakes.

Do not allow the sun to set on
your life, without making an
attempt to live it.

We all would love to be perfect. As
for me and my house, we seek only
to be the best we can be.

Poetic Verses By Gamaliel H. Gooding
Copyrighted 2011

Saturday, March 3, 2012

When The Storms Comes

Who were there when the storms came?
Who has the power to prevent its anger?

Yet we refuse to acknowledge the creator
of all things.

Who allows us to withstand the storm?
Who allows us to escape the danger?

Who removes the thistles and thorns?
The awesome hands of God, as he
chastise us for our transgressions.

We have become students of our
own ignorance. We have learn nothing
from God's lessons.

Who makes the earth shake, and the
heavens to release it's rain?

Who makes the thunder roar?
Who shakes the earth at it core?

From the four corners of the earth
the wind whispers his name.


Poetic Verses By Gamaliel H. Gooding
Copyrighted 2011

Thursday, February 23, 2012

The Importance Of Right Choices

Know one really knows what the future holds.
Through our efforts we thrive to reach our goals.
After laboring, we wait for the future to unfold.

Building lasting relationships with family and friends.
To ensure that the thread is strong that bonds and mends.
Having a forgiving spirit that forgives again and again.

It is the natural way of life that allows us to see life as we do.
The road map for each of us is different, so are our pursuits.
The road less travelled may seem harder, at the end lies the truth.

Knowledge seekers without a goal or reason.
It is like looking for a perfect rose, that's out of season.
Going here and there, there is no cohesion.

How much have you gleaned from these few lines of rhyme?
Have you accepted the need to change with the time?
I hope that your goals are in reach and your choices are devine.

During your life's journey, it is important that
you make the right choices.

Poetic Verses By Gamaliel H. Gooding
Copyrighted 2011