Monday, November 12, 2012


He has been elected by a higher
source to travel this road less travelled,
with a true willingness to confront
the demons of centuries past.

He has picked up the banner of those who
have dedicated their lives that we might have 
this great opportunity to share in the reality of
their dreams without regard for color or class.

He brings to the world a vision of unity,
equality and a united America, that will
serve as a beacon for those
that seek access to these shores.

He dreams of a world that provides safety
without the threat of war, where there are no
longer the disenfranchised, where no one will be denied
the basic needs of life, where there are no closed doors.

Let us celebrate the accomplishments of this
gifted man that I believe was ordained by God.
This man that is fearless in his pursuits of
Peace, Prosperity, Equality and Justice for all.

This man that allows his spirit to soar, holds his 
head high in the darkest hours.  This man that
keeps his hands in God's hands.  This man that clearly
understands his mission, this man that refuses to fall.

Today let us continue to support and celebrate this man, 
The President  Of The United States Of America.

President Barack Hussein Obama
Poetic Verses By Gamaliel H. Gooding

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