Sunday, January 27, 2013


Dreary days and
endless nights, tormented
by man made dreams
and endless schemes.

Smokey clubs on
Sunset Boulevard, needle
infested alleyways, and
little girls that pimps craves.

I long to rid myself of this self
imposed prison of degradation,
of suffering and needless pain.
If there is no effort there is no gain.

I have discovered that my
many friends are now few.
The many used me to no end.
The few helped me to begin again.

Poetic Verses By Gamaliel H. Gooding
Copyrighted 2009


How often we forget
from whence we came,
with all our earthly trappings.

When our house was filled
with worldly goods, and
bundles of Christmas wrapping.

The dark days came and
the thunder roared, and
the goods we had no more.

Of those who came and
shared our home,
no longer knocks at our door.

When all was well and
the future bright, and of plenty
there was no end.

The one's I seldom saw at  my table,
or making constant demands,
I discovered were my friends.

I truly value you as a friend.

Poetic Verses By Gamaliel H. Gooding
Copyrighted 2009