Saturday, August 9, 2014


How often we forget,
from whence we came,
with all our earthly trappings.

When our house was filled
with worldly goods and
bundles of Christmas wrappings.

The dark days came and
the thunder roared, and
the goods we had no more.

Of those who came and
shared our home,
no longer knocks at our door.

When all was well and
the future seemed bright, and
of plenty there was end.

The one I seldom saw at my table,
or making constant demands,,
I discovered was my friend. 

Poetic Verses By Gamaliel H. Gooding
Copyrighted 2003


Unchained ankles,
unchallenged minds,
opportunity beckons
The fields of degradation,
replaced by future anticipation.
For the void is no longer
shapeless or deep,
that which once restricted,
no longer binds.

The shape of our futures
are woven by the golden threads
of wisdom that have always been
a part of our being. Created by
that  which created all things,
Atom for Atom, for we are truly
a part of the universe.

All that supports us and sustains
us, are being provided by he who is
omnipotent and omnipresent.  Hold
our heads high, for we are from
a great source, a great people, a great
pass and we have a great future.
And always remember, we are

Poetic Verses By Gamaliel H. Gooding
Copyrighted 2003